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Onboarding Stage 1: Configuring Access to AWS Accounts

The first thing we need to do is to get access to AWS accounts.

The onboarding of AWS accounts consists of the following steps:

  1. Gathering the AWS master payer account and AWS linked account details. For more information, refer to Example: AWS Account Details.

  2. Determining the right AWS Account Resell Model (ECAM or SPAM) for your organisation. For more information, refer to AWS Account Resale Models - ECAM vs SPAM.

  3. Acknowledgement SoftwareOne’s requirement to own the root account of the master payer. For more information, refer to AWS Root Account Ownership.

  4. Onboarding of Accounts:

    1. New account(s): completion of the AWS Account Onboarding Process.

    2. Transfer of existing account(s): execution of the AWS Account Transfer Process steps according to your decided Resell Model (ECAM or SPAM).

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