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Well Architected Assessment

In the Well-Architected Review Services module, SoftwareOne will assess a Customer selected workload against the Well-Architected pillars of Cost Optimization, Operational Excellence, Performance Efficiency, Reliability and Security.

SoftwareOne utilises the Cloud Provider’s Well-Architected Framework and tooling to perform the review. The review starts with an online questionnaire responded to by Customer and is followed by an assessment phase performed by SoftwareOne. The review concludes with a presentation where SoftwareOne will present findings including actionable recommendations and an agreed remediation owner and timeline.   

SoftwareOne will perform the Well-Architected Review a maximum of once every six (6) months at a mutually agreed time on request by the Customer. Mission Critical workloads are out of scope.

SoftwareOne will spend up to three (3) Business Days, supporting Customer through the process, analysing the answers and providing recommendations back to the Customer. Implementing any recommendations is out of scope of the Services. 

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