Tagging Logic
We use the following logic when tagging your resources:
If no tag exists, the tag with the default value is applied.
If the tag exists AND exactly matches a permitted value (i.e., contains no typo), nothing is changed.
If the tag exists AND does not match a permitted value (i.e., contains a typo), the default value is applied.
For example:
When applying this logic to the tag swoPatch:
If the tag swoPatch does not exist on a resource, the resource is tagged with the default value, therefore the tag applied is swoPatch=2.
If the tag swoPatch exists on a resource, and the value is 2, where swoPatch=2, nothing is changed, because the value is permitted.
If the tag swoPatch exists on a resource, and the value is x, where swoPatch=x, the value is changed to 2, where swoPatch=2, because the value x is not permitted.