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Service Onboarding

When you select the service, SoftwareOne assign to you a dedicated Project Manager, to guide you through the onboarding process from start to completion. The Project Manager is your single point of contact throughout the onboarding process.


The onboarding process consists of a series of workshops and service set-up activities that include:

  • We conduct a two (2) hour onboarding session for your nominated Authorized Contact(s), delivered through a SoftwareOne conferencing solution, to provide an overview of the Cloud Management Portal and Spend Management feature, and to gather requirements for configuration of the service.

  • We assist you in configuring the administrative access required for SoftwareOne to setup Cloud Account Billing, (required if you transfer billing of any of your cloud accounts to SoftwareOne).

  • We provide credentials and access URL’s for the Cloud Management Portal and Spend Management Feature, for up to five (5) nominated Authorized Contact(s).

  • We provide you with email address and telephone contact number information to your nominated Authorized Contact(s), to give them access SoftwareOne support.

For the Advanced service, additionally:

  • We conduct a two (2) hour session provide you with an overview of the Advanced Tier service modules and we agree your Key Stakeholders to support SoftwareOne in configuring the core service modules.

  • We interview your Key Stakeholders (for up to two (2) hours per service module), to gather requirements for:

    • Governance and Compliance

    • Backup Management

    • Patch Management

    • Infrastructure Monitoring

    • Spend Management, and

    • Cost Optimization service modules.

  • We then document the agreed requirements for each service module and store in the Operations Definition, for approval by Customer (subject to such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed).

  • We assist you in creating a suitable cloud-based repository for the Backup Management Core Service module to store backups.

  • We install and configure the tooling required to provide Advanced services, including: agents and CMD Tags.

  • We configure the Advanced services agreed with you (limited to the configuration options defined in the Operations Definition) including patch waves, backup plans and schedules.

  • We design and configure a tagging scheme to support the SoftwareOne Spend Management Feature
    Design and configure a custom group structure and budgets in the SoftwareOne Spend Management Feature, to assist you to; govern, budget, track spend and charge back / show-back cloud costs to your different business units.

When onboarding is complete, you can add/remove cloud accounts from the service by:

  • Raising a Service Request, and

  • Providing SoftwareOne with thirty (30) days’ notice.

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