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Onboarding Stage 5: Pre-flight Check and Go-live

The onboarding project is coming to a close now, so at this stage we double-check everything is working as expected and once confirmed by you we go live.

We will complete the ‘Pre-Flight Check’ document and put this in your Operations Definition. Our engineers will put their names against each check and we will continue the project until all checks are marked Green.

During the pre-flight check the engineers for each service will:

  1. Check for the correct installation of agents.

  2. Use a four-eyes approach to ensure the configuration of the tools meets your requirements as documented in your Operations Definition.

We work very transparently and will show you our dashboards so you see that the right machines are in place.

When all is good, SoftwareOne's Cloud Managed Services Delivery Team will conduct a handover to your Service Success Manager who will be your advocate and point of escalation going forward.

Onboarding is now complete. Welcome to SoftwareOne Cloud Managed Services.

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