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Onboarding Stage 2: Service Descriptions and Operations Definitions

During this stage we will:

  1. Walk you through a detailed Service Description, explaining how your service works, how you can manage the service’s delivery into your environment and we will answer any questions you may have on the delivery or scope of the service.

  2. Share best practices for each Service and gather requirements on any bespoke configuration requirements you may have.

The Service Description pages are available in this User Guide for easy reference.

We then store all your specific configuration information in your “Operations Definition” documentation. The Operations Definition is a suite of documents stored in a dedicated Confluence space that SoftwareOne will provide you with read access to. You can reference this documentation at any time and raise requests to change it as needed.

To complete this stage, for each service module, we require a relevant decision maker in your business to be involved in the onboarding project, for example, someone to decide when to complete Patching in the environment.

All the operation requirements must be completed before moving to the next stage.

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