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Cloud Billing

Cloud Billing is an optional service module that offers a personalised invoicing experience. The service provides a level of customisation not readily available from AWS, including:

  • Improved billing that combines multiple master payer accounts into a single invoice, or

  • Splitting the invoice at account level to support business unit show and chargeback.

  • The invoice can be produced in the local currency and it can include local taxes and withholding taxes.

The aim of Cloud Billing is to provide a user-friendly and cost-efficient way for customers to access and pay for cloud services.

For invoicing, SoftwareOne makes use of a billing engine. During the commercial onboarding process, the following billing configuration options are available:

  • The consolidation of multiple master payers into a single invoice.

  • The splitting of groups of accounts into multiple invoices.

  • Local currency invoicing using competitive exchange rates on the day of invoicing.

  • The addition of local taxes.

  • The addition of withholding taxes.

  • The addition of consumed SoftwareOne Managed Services.

Customer pricing is determined based on the actual rate of usage on the specified date. All pricing information published by AWS is in US dollars. Conversion to the tenant's local billing currency is performed using a fixed daily exchange rate, determined by the SoftwareOne Global Finance Team.

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