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  • SoftwareOne will provide access to the Cloud Management Portal, Spend Management Feature and Cost Optimisation Feature to up to five (5) nominated Customer Authorised Contacts.

  • All SoftwareOne Services are delivered remotely.

  • At SoftwareOne’s absolute discretion, you may be provided with access to and use of certain features and services that are not yet generally available, including, but not limited to support for additional operating systems, Cloud Services and core Service Module configuration options. Such access and use will be provided on a reasonable endeavors basis only, with the mutual understanding that said features and services may contain bugs, errors or defects. The Service Levels described in your will not apply.

  • You acknowledge and agree that you retain sole responsibility for:

    • (i) determining your use of and the extent of your reliance on any of SoftwareOne’s advice or recommendations or any other product of the Services, and

      (ii) the delivery, achievement or realisation of any benefits directly or indirectly related to the Services which require implementation or execution by you, the Customer.

      SoftwareOne does not make any express or implied warranty that any of the Services or Deliverables will provide any cost savings or decrease in software spend or reduce any security risk or that all security risks will be evidenced.

  • From time to time, SoftwareOne may make updates and improvements to the services listed in this service catalog. SoftwareOne agree to use reasonable efforts to advice you of such updates and improvements.

  • You are responsible for evaluating the impact of any changes SoftwareOne makes in your Cloud Accounts, including but not limited to; remediating non-compliant cloud resources, applying patches and deploying management agents. SoftwareOne will not be held responsible for any issues that arise.

  • Mission Critical workloads are out of scope.

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